
Texting SMS & MMS

Revolutionize Your Campaign Messaging: Introducing Our SMS & MMS Magic! Harness the instant impact of texting combined with the visual allure of multimedia to captivate voters. Stay ahead, stay connected – because in elections, the right text can change the game!

Use SMS to Communicate with Constituents & Volunteers

Elevate Your Election Campaign with Our Cutting-edge SMS & MMS Messaging Service! From impactful announcements to engaging voter outreach, our platform transforms campaigns into conversations. With the immediacy of text and the impact of multimedia, your message resonates like never before. Seize the future of political communication – because in the digital age, every text is a vote for victory.

Text Messaging Compliance Package

(For Businesses Requiring 10DLC Registration)

This package is designed for businesses that need a compliant website landing page, domain, email, and hosting to meet mobile carrier and The Campaign Registry (TCR) requirements for text messaging (10DLC).

Drive Voter Turnout

Campaign Text Messages to Drive Voter Turnout

Set up a text messaging campaign to send regular, personalized messages to voters in the weeks leading up to an election. Each message can include the voter’s name, polling location, and a link for campaign information.

Excite your Donors

Excite your Political Campaign Donors via SMS

Shared inboxes make it simple for campaign staff to work together to answer voter questions. Create lists of volunteers to organize events, door-to-door outreach, and fundraising follow up. The list members won’t see each other and can reply privately to you.

Inform Staff & Volunteers

Organize Political Campaign Staff & Volunteers

Shared inboxes make it simple for campaign staff to work together to answer voter questions. Create lists of volunteers to organize events, door-to-door outreach, and fundraising follow up. The list members won’t see each other and can reply privately to you.

Continue Momentum

Election Campaign Texts Help Continue Momentum

Utilize text messages when your campaign reaches a critical milestone to engage with voters. Shares key issues, where to register to vote, and endorsements to excite your voting base.

Bulk Campaign Reach

Bulk SMS for Political Campaign Reach

Reach the same number of voters in the fraction of time phone calls take by using bulk SMS for political campaigns. Segment voters into lists, customize templates with custom fields and schedule the messages to be sent at the appropriate dates and times.

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